
Dynamically varying Queries

Dynamic Queries

It is often necessary to create queries that varies depending on values known only at runtime.

Dynamically excluding tables (or sub queries) from a Query

The method inhibitWhen(b: Boolean) available on org.squeryl.Queryable[A]
is meant to be called in a from clause, it will turn a Table[A] or (sub) Query[A]
into a Queryable[Option[A]] and remove the queryable from the query
and all expression referencing this queryable.

Example :

Notice the Option[] in the result type of the query, and how the Author
table disappears from the generated SQL base on the input of inhibitWhen :

Dynamic Where clause construction

The following method builds a query with a dynamically varying where clause, the .? function on the optional parameters has the effect of removing the enclosing condition when the argument is None.

  • Note the .? operator is just a shorthand for the inhibitWhen(b: Boolean) methods that applies on any AST node

Observe how following calls affect the generated SQL :

  • Note the .? operator is just a shorthand for the inhibitWhen(b: Boolean) methods that applies on any AST node, it translates into a.inhibitWhen(a === None)

The same method using inhibitWhen would be :